Five mornings a week, I meet on zoom with a group of people for connection and inspiration. Our little “Hollywood Squares” community of ten people has met since early in the CoVid-19 pandemic, virtual siblings from all over the U.S. who, mostly, have never met in person. Yet because of our commitment to showing up and being transparent, we have become a close-knit family. 

During one of our get-togethers, we did a guided meditation into our heart space in order to get a message for our own healing. The message I received was:

Faith, no matter what

Positivity, no matter what

Calm, no matter what



That message saved my sanity and serenity during the political mess surrounding the elections here in the U.S. It reminded me that it is okay to be angry, sad, scared or any other emotion, but not to waiver from alignment with what matters most to me, thus becoming a mantra of strength and courage for me. 

Recently, in another meditation, this mantra expanded. Now it is more of a manifesto:

No Matter What – Faith, Positivity, Calm

No Matter What – Compassion, Hope, Gratitude

No Matter What – Truth, Action, Forgiveness

No Matter What – Live What Matters

It occurs to me how valuable this manifesto is in the troubling times we find ourselves now. The uncertainty and the unsettled nature of social change put us off-balance, creating stress that can sometimes feel overwhelming. When things are changing around us, we need more than ever to find something grounding and foundational within us.

No matter what, can you have faith in something that will help you navigate your way through what is happening, just as has always happened till now? Can you hold on to a positive outlook, that while you may not be able to change what happens, you can influence it and you can respond to it? Can you allow yourself to learn meditation and other ways to remain fairly calm, not getting sucked into other people’s drama?

No matter what, can you have compassion for yourself and others.  Life is not easy for anyone – we all have our own challenges and old wounds – so can you hold space for and tend to the vulnerability within and around you? Can you have hope, and more importantly, act on that hope? There is an old saying, “pray as if it’s all up to God and act as if it’s all up to you.” Can you maintain gratitude? Can you always find at least a few things to be thankful for even in the midst of situations and experiences you may not want to have to deal with?

No matter what, will you speak your truth and will you have the integrity to live by it? Will you do your best to do the right thing, even when it is inconvenient or uncomfortable? Will you forgive – forgive both others and yourself for not being able to live up to this, because no one can… we can only try.

Will you live what matters to you? Will you live embracing whom you love and holding true to what you value?

In a world in which it is hard to count on the situations, actions and promises of the world around you, can you count on yourself?

I would love to hear what makes that easy, and what makes that hard. Contact me at . I invite you into exploring what matters to you, no matter what.
